For Art, Rights, Press, Film, and Television, contact Jan Harrison at gowertownbrasso(AT), please put JH in the subject line. She’ll respond directly for art and press and for the rest send you along to El Jefe’s brilliant, wizardly, absolutely no-nonsense literary rights, film, and television agent Stuart M. Miller. Big J does not do any spec or discount screenwriting work unless it’s for a charitable cause and sorry, no shopping agreements on any of his fine books or short stories. Big J will be happy to read your novel and possibly offer a blurb! Send a short, cool pitch to Jan. Warning- JJ probably won’t check out your romance novel, though he freely admits romance writers are always delightful people. New art prints in mid-2024. *sub @ for (AT)

There are no super spreader events, I mean readings, scheduled for I Shop At Laney’s. Big J is busy working on new material and keepin’ it real on the down low. Go forth and think big! Remember to tip well and smile often!

JJ is not tattooing right now, but if you’re looking for a tattoo in Portland, Oregon go see Jeff’s incredibly talented friends at the best shop in the City of Roses, East Side Tattoo.