For Art, Rights, Press, Film, and Television, contact Jan Harrison at gowertownbrasso(AT), sub @ for (AT), and please put JH in the subject line. She’ll respond directly for art and press, and for the rest send you along to JJ, his entertainment lawyer, or his film and television agent Stuart M. Miller. Jeff will be happy to read your novel and possibly offer a blurb! Send a short, polite pitch. Warning- JJ probably won’t check out your romance novel, and he’ll also pass on spritely, sassy cop stories, big wizard fantasy, and all things with long dream sequences and/or hallucinations (no one cares for those).

New art prints in mid-2025.

JJ is not tattooing right now, but if you’re looking for a great tattoo in Portland, Oregon go see Jeff’s incredibly talented friends at East Side Tattoo and the equally magnificent Witching Hour.